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The Role of Expert Witnesses in Divorce Cases

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Although every divorce case is different, complex divorces involving a business or a high net property division and those that involve contentious child custody situation may involve expert witnesses in divorce cases to provide additional information so that the court can better understand an issue.

For example a forensic accountant may be asked to review financial information to get to the bottom of the dissipation of assets or perhaps value a small business in order to divide marital property. In a complex divorce case involving various financial assets or a small business, it is often a good idea to seek the services of a financial expert to ascertain the value of the property to be divided, the tax implications, and more so that a fair division of marital property can be achieved.

When parents have disagreements regarding the custody of a child, it may be that a mental health professional is asked to weigh in on the best interests of a child caught in the middle of the custody dispute. A mental health professional can meet with the child, parents, or other family members and make recommendations to the court regarding parenting time and parental responsibility arrangements that suits the needs of the child.

An experienced family law attorney can help you to decide whether an expert witness is beneficial to your case. Every circumstance is unique so it is important to work with your attorney to determine if your situation would benefit from the services of an expert witness to achieve a favorable outcome in your divorce case.  After decades of family law practice let us help you sort through complicated divorce and property division issues.  Schedule your strategy session with  Ronald L. Bell by calling us at 847-495-6000 or fill-out our online contact form

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