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Libertyville Child Removal Attorney

i-childremovalrelocationAfter a divorce, things may be in a state of change as each parent and the children settles into a new way of life. A family that once lived together is split into two households. Parents must start again in so many ways. One common problem that arises is the relocation of one parent. When children are involved, this can become a complicated matter and even a contentious dispute.

We can keep the situation under control. Ronald L. Bell & Associates P.C. is a Libertyville law firm representing mothers and fathers throughout northern Illinois. Since 1980, our firm has been a trusted resource to individuals and families in need of skilled and effective family law representation. We act as guides to our clients, giving them counsel and helping them choose the best course of action — ideally one that is fair and meets their goals.

There is only one rule that matters with decisions concerning children: What is in their best interests?

Parents seek to relocate geographically for any number of reasons: a new job, a new relationship, a family need or any other circumstance. When the custodial parent wants to move away with the children, he or she must first obtain the other parent’s approval. If the two do not reach an agreement, the parent seeking the relocation must obtain court approval.

When the court is involved, that number one rule above controls. The court will decide based on what is in the children’s best interests. It might look at factors involving:

Lake County Child Relocation Lawyer Serving All Surrounding Counties

There is no black and white rule, which makes it absolutely critical to have an experienced attorney as you wade through this important custody issue. Without bias, we represent parents on both sides, helping the custodial parent moving the children or helping the other parent who does not consent.

Call Today

We offer informative strategy sessions to meet your needs. Schedule your strategy session with Libertyville child removal lawyer Ronald L. Bell by calling us at 847-495-6000. You can also fill out our online contact form. Offsite, evening and weekend times are available.

Payment plans and credit cards are accepted.

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