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Taking Enjoyment In The Little Things As A Distraction To Divorce

The toughest aspect of getting a divorce is not always just making the decision to get the separation, or making the difficult decisions such as how to divide the property or determine child custody. Some Illinois residents may appreciate that often the most difficult moments in divorce are those spent alone, at home, with nothing but time and one’s own thoughts.

While it is certainly important to embrace the solitary moments and allow one’s self to think about the divorce, it is almost equally important to find joys in the little distractions in life from time to time, such as taking up a new hobby or reviving an old one, finding a favorite television show or savoring a favorite take-out meal weekly.
While divorce is certainly a difficult process, taking a moment to indulge in distractions might also allow for appreciation of the little things in life, including those one may not have taken the time to enjoy during the marriage. For one ex-spouse, this little distraction was taking up writing again. Per the spouse, while married, her husband often put down her writing. However, post-marriage life allowed her to feel free to take up the writing process again.
Others have indulged in red wine or chocolates, took up an old favorite passion such as ballet and spent more time with supportive friends. Taking the time to appreciate a moment for just one’s self can be stress relief and a motivating part of the divorce process.
When it comes to making to truly tough divorce decisions like alimony, child support or property division, it is often imperative a divorcing spouse have knowledgeable legal representation in order to ensure a fair and equitable result for all involved. However, it may be equally important to focus on yourself and your new life.
Source: Huffington Post, “The Wise Words That Helped Me Survive My Divorce,” Jan. 12, 2014

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