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Why Do So Many Second Marriages End In Divorce?

The aftermath of a divorce can be difficult for any Illinois couple, and many people decide to give love a second chance through a second marriage. However, it is important for each divorcee to go through the grieving process and identify what went wrong in the marriage, before committing to a new partner. If a newly-divorced person enters into a second marriage too soon, it may end up much like the previous one.

On average, about two-thirds of second marriages end in divorce. One factor contributing to the second marriage divorce rate may be stepparent/stepchildren relationships. Parents may feel pressure to choose between their children and their new spouse when conflicts arise. Some psychologists believe that people who have been through a divorce once, may be more likely to opt for a second divorce because they already survived it once.

In addition to allowing enough time to grieve, divorced individuals should think about a few key topics before committing to a second marriage. Oftentimes, financial security and fear of being alone are enough to make couples say “I do” for a second time, but those reasons may not be enough for a successful marriage. Those preparing to enter into a second marriage should be on the lookout for recurring problems that are similar to those in the first marriage, because it may be a sign that the recently-divorced individual has some internal issues to sort through.

Nobody entering into a marriage – be it the first or second – plans on being a contributor to the divorce rate. When all avenues for seeking relationship help have been exhausted, an experienced family law attorney can help sort through divorce legal issues that result in the end of a marriage. Couples looking to get divorced do not have to go through the process alone, and an Illinois divorce lawyer may help keep tensions low and make sure all assets are divided fairly.

Source: Communities Digital News, “Making second marriages work: you can’t hurry love,” Myra Fleischer, Mar. 26, 2014

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