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August High Season for Divorce | Libertyville Illinois Divorce Lawyer

Much has been written about the fact that divorce filings peak after the winter holidays. In recent years, January has earned the nickname “divorce month” or alternatively, “I’m starting to research my options month.” Although there is some accuracy to the nomenclature, the seasonality of divorce also includes a peak period that runs from late summer into early fall. In fact, the month of August typically ushers in a second high season of divorce.

In a recent study from the University of Washington, researchers found that divorce filings between the years 2001 and 2015 consistently peaked during periods following winter and summer holidays. Researches believe that the findings reflect a reluctance among Americans to file for divorce during Christmas or Fourth of July festivities, possibly due to a sense of nostalgia or for the sake of the family. However, in the months following all that “together time”, divorce filings soar.

Apparently, searches on Google correlate with the seasonality suggested by the study. Search data reveals very few divorce inquiries in the month of December, followed by a distinct rise in research on the topic in subsequent months. Google searches related to depression, anxiety and stress also surge during spring and fall further supporting the trend of post-holiday splits.

Source: The Washington Post, The Times of Year You’re Most Likely to Get Divorced, by Christopher Ingraham, August 23, 2016.

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