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When Divorced Parents Disagree on Vaccinations

interstate child custody

Divorced parents may not always agree when making important decisions for their child. Anything from where a child will attend school or what their religious upbringing will be, to what medical treatments they will undergo including vaccinations, are just some of the issues parent may not agree on.

If parents share parental responsibility, also known as shared custody, important decisions are made jointly. However, decisions regarding a child’s health, including vaccinations, can be especially difficult for divorced or separated parents who may already have very different ideas about what is best for their child.  In cases where the parents cannot reach a mutual agreement, the family court with jurisdiction over the child can help to make the decision.

The court will take into account what is in the best interest of the child, considering the parents’ reasons for wanting or not wanting certain medical interventions, which may include specific health risks the child may have; school or activity requirements;  the medical opinion of the child’s doctor; and any other pertinent information to make a determination. 

If you are at odds with your ex-spouse regarding important decisions, including vaccinations that are consequential to your child, it is advisable to discuss your concerns with an experienced family law attorney. Contact Libertyville attorney Ronald L Bell & Associates, P.C. for immediate assistance at 847-495-6000. 

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