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Illinois Child Custody Legislation Urging Judges to Consider Equal Time for Parents

Many child custody determinations are years in the making and often result in one parent spending less time with the children. The latest legislation in Springfield would urge, but not require, judges to consider equal time for both parents and also force custody disputes to end in 90 days rather than languish for years.

For couples embroiled in divorce and child custody proceedings, finding a point of agreement can prove difficult. Advocates for the new law argue that children are better served when they can spend equal time with both parents. They oppose laws that award custody to one parent over another, unless a parent is deemed unfit, and would like laws to mandate that both parties get a minimum percentage of time with their kids.

Opponents see the law as conflicting with children’s interests. Groups such as the Illinois State Bar Association and the Cook County public guardian’s office say that if judges are to put children first, they need flexibility, not a one-size-fits-all solution.

Ultimately parents want to raise healthy, well-adjusted kids and recognize the benefit of shared parenting. If you and your family are facing challenges related to divorce and child custody matters, put the experience of the Law Office of Ronald L. Bell on your side. Contact our office today!

Source: Chicago Tribune, “Illinois joins debate over child custody disputes,” Bonnie Miller Rubin, June 1, 2014

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