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Falsely Accused of Child Abuse in a Divorce

Falsely Accused of Child Abuse

When couples divorce, sometimes a parent may falsely accuse the other parent of abuse to influence the outcome of a child custody matter. Being accused of family violence is not only very upsetting, it can have a significant impact on your case. The best course of action is to work with an experienced family law attorney if you are falsely accused of child abuse, domestic assault, or another form of family violence.

Most people first become aware of an accusation of abuse when they are served with a protective order from the court legally prohibiting them from taking certain actions, which may include keeping their distance from children or an estranged spouse. Although someone accused of something they did not do may naturally want to set the record straight, confronting an accusing spouse is the worst you can do. Seeking experienced defense counsel will ensure that your rights are preserved and that you do not make matters worse.

Domestic violence is a serious matter and a legitimate problem in many families across the U.S. and in Illinois. That said, unfortunately some people will wrongfully use the legal system by making false accusations or perhaps exaggerate isolated incidences of problems in the home to influence a child custody case. When you are falsely accused of child abuse or domestic violence as part of a family law case such as a divorce, it is important to seek counsel promptly. Contact the Libertyville family law offices of Ronald L Bell & Associates PC for immediate assistance at 847-495-6000.

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